Nearly fifty years ago something happened. . . .
His first record “A White Sports Coat and a Pink Carnation” sold 50 000 copies in two weeks. He got contract with Decca - paid with 2 500 swedish crowns every week. His movie debut, “The Golden Disc”, was ready for distribution outside UK. Yes, he was the englisman who was said to compete Elvis Presley and Tommy Steele.
If you know something – even the wildest theory – give me a comment or the mail with information ; bonnajazz@spray.se
I listen to differnt kinds of music quite often, but it doesn't mean that i understand them. I particularly like the music with very strong rythem, like flamenco and africa drum.
These few days the name of one flamenco guitarist, Vincete Amigo, came up to my mind quite often as i always listen to his music when i was in spain. His latest album "Un momento en el sonido" is one of my favourite. Maybe you'll interest.
Of course..., the spanish guitar traditions are very strong,... and today may remind and give renewed thoughts of the arabic roots...., as I maybe mentioned, gonna write more about spain/latin on the blog. Today I did again a suitable tour with bicycle,..., rememberable also in the parts of the body I sitting on. Weather is good, real summer, bot not to hot, it happens that I do sketches, not drawings, but written text on my outdoor tours....
....take up some part of the "music thing". Those who earlier fx played the piano..., and likely come to "the point of unsecurity in knowledge of music", ...stories like that are not unknown for me. You can be sure of the fact that musicteachers are not like one big family..., music is multicultural (often involved in social movent of some kind) and feelings for it depends always of more than the common basics. Comparing musicstyles usually is, in the long term unfruitful. Definitive "top-list" are often "arts of the kid" (Icecream and pancakes for me please...), ...But of cause almost all have favourites from time to another. It´s possible to be an expert in one style of music, more ignoring others. Some may be "musical nationalists", sometimes idiots in the real meaning of the word,... because the ignorance of other styles than their own. To avoid this, unspokenly..., I think the traditional musical education often circulates around the common basics. But, it depends quite much of the teacher, what he/she thinks belongs to the basic area. No teacher can handle everything, it also comes up to the pupil to do own investigations (if the teacher allows that...)There are not really any complete methods. It always can be discussed what elements the teacher puts in his/hers "objective" area. If the teacher ignores fx (poly-)rhythmic structures or the use of extended chords, the pupil has to investigate more outside the lessons,...because the world outside is not like 1850. On the other hand it´s not 100% about whatmusic to play in studies, it´s also about being comfortable with the instrument technically.... Usually teachers have some Aces there..., when it comes to guitar, it´s involved in many different styles or playing techinques (fx some stand up others sit down),often established differently in different parts of the world. To "sum this"...; music lessons don´t give the whole picture, don´t let it doom you, when you are completing, with what you find enjoyable. Youre own Big Puzzle Pieces in your hands are for real..., find the place and go on developing the picture. As they said in another channel; "You can study everything". And music is not just for the players,... also for the listeners.
can study
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