Midsummer ! The engaged time of the frogs! Ring.Ring. Bell Ring.
Single String Guitar Solo.
(Pfft! Pfft! Opening of the LOKA)
If you still, after midnight, are able to spell”SHE SELLS SEA-SHELLS ON THE SEA SHORE. AND THE SHELLS SHE SELLS ARE SEA-SHELLS I AM SURE.” right in the face of the host - properly, you may drive your Bike from the Camp.
Waiting for the midsummer-Party...., with giant Loka Pet-Bottle in your hands.,,,,,looking over the blue lake in the afternoon sun,......you listen to this......:
hey..nice blog!
Thank you - you are welcome! A little bit I´m working in the theme of searching modern musical/cultural information from "the East" (from here it looks very exotic-far-away...)
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