Monday, December 07, 2009
Headgear of our time: Shower Caps
At this time, in this world, violence was considered bad manners, it was therefore also comedians were so high in price and usually was a common topic of conversation. Yasmine, like all other women, could accept a shower cap in case it made the world a better, less violent. Scientist Alphonse Baldrich was already sitting at the breakfast table, a powerful construction in oak. Large turquoise glass bowls, baskets with all kinds of bread slices rubbed with a few covers and an open morning. His glasses had slipped down slightly, but the arches rested securely on his round nose that protruded above the mouth, also the somewhat conspicuous remarkable.
The thick fleshy lips and gave it a form that could only be likened to that of actor Chazz Palmateri or the grill of an old Aston Martin, especially when he opened it slightly and let the morning warm breath wafted over the porridge. His daughter, Yasmine was silent on bare feet feet down from the bedroom and almost noiselessly sat down at the other end of the table.
- You Yass, (he called his daughter so ),... read that an escaped gorilla at a zoo in Holland and entered the restaurant. First thought it was a new piece by Henry "I will do anything just my vocabulary is enough to" Schyffert.
Yasmine replied to him, took the silver spoon of porridge. She lifted it, already with great skill, she could keep his hand in under a shower cap so that the spoon reached her lips seekers. This technique meant that she almost sucked the porridge from the spoon. Scientist Alphonse Baldrich had been one of those who put forward a shower cap as a visible mandatory way in society.
The proposal was eventually adopted by a sufficient number of politicians, not without skilful lobbyists in the media, in order to obtain regulatory impact. In brief, it provides that the West must obtain an alternative to headgear that has long been emphasized by the fundamentalist parts of the East. The debate brought with it some side effects - and, new questions.
Headgear would only apply to women? Some feminists believed that his turban was prettier than bicycle helmet.But this was not really a helmet issue.Foremost was that women would wear shower cap every tim they went out of their bed. Yasmine stood up at the table so the orangejuice in glasses vibrated to.
- Where are you going Yass?, "Said Alphonse immediately Baldrich and look up from the newspaper's entertainment pages.
- I stick to Mc Brandenburger Kebab, will meet Johnny Fake. We shall go on trotting.The major races are in town, do not you? Alphonse Baldrich screwed something on it, rustling in the newspaper.
- But you know, that last weekend I was in Halmstad. Saw that the one where comedian Beth-more would have been SEK 180 for one would see him perform at the theater? The hip hopping, monotonously chanting, primitive beetle!
- No, I did not know "said Yasmine and advised to shower cap slightly as she turned to leave the dining room. She knew that Alphonse, her father did not want to talk about shower cap and tried to talk about other things. As she did not know that the Bet was far more advanced both for him and Halland. In Halland wanted to be simple stuff, not åsdant as associate to the big city bustle intellectuals.
- I KNOW, I KNOW ! "Cried Alphonse after her when she was already on the way down the stairs to the house's ground floor.
Yes, perhaps he knew.
Stefan o Krister and that sort of thing. When we went out there was a concern simply DRIVELLER as much as possible once you started digging in my purse. Yasmine walked elegantly down the street to their new Hamsterdam shoes.
As carrier of the Swedish shower cap, she was pretty proud after all. She nodded to a few girlfriends on the street, even they in their happy shower caps. Elisa had one blue.
The transparent "look at the surface", as it was called, seemed slightly larger than her own.
Yasmine was thinking that she must remember to ask at one point, her shower cap actually did the measurements. In front of the Brandenburger Kebab sat Johnny Fake already at a small table in a chair, like everyone else, were screwed to the floor, because they could not be used as weapons.
The Society of mandatory shower cap, entered into an agreement, at least the hope, whether that violence, abuse and jealousy would be reduced.
If the women looked about alike, there would be less strife. In addition, they shopped less. Shower cap was like a school uniform for women, with the difference that it was not just in school.
- Are you ready?, "He said simply and patted her on the amen. They went immediately toward the racetrack, a walk of almost 90 minutes. Fake Johnny wanted to save taxi money for something better, namely the existence of a winning chance in race 5, horse, No 11. (O´l Shithouse) (O'l Shit House)
Yasmine knew after half an hour what it steamed by her breath inside the cap, there was fog on the surface look, but with Johnny's help, it was pretty good anyway. Vid en kiosk stannade han till. At a kiosk, he stopped. He looked investigating the woman in there (Ronja), which also, of course, she was standing in his shower cap and smiled.
- Give me some money, or I pull off your hat! Fake Johnny could have intimidating when he wanted it. Yasmine stod en bit ifrån och hörde inte ordväxlingen. Yasmine was standing away from and did not hear the altercation.Ronja in the kiosk knew that if she was visible, and seen without a hat, for example Uncle Brian, could she be humiliated, the rest of his life, not to mention, that she could never be married to the was planned. She would be married soon and was selected in Jokkmokk. Clear that she was both suspicious and discouraged to the whole,but it had been said to her that he lived at least not in a cave.
Yasmine was still some distance from the kiosk, the nearest street. She was of course an elegant eye-catcher, tall and handsome with their high-heeled shoes of Amsterdam, and at the top, his head a Swedish shower cap of the best quality.A slowly passing car by Skoda distracted her. The music from the car was highly screwed. The car almost bounced a bit on his worn tires. Inside sat August and Yemenito, who nonchalantly smoking his Dromedary-cigarettes. Yasmine knew the music, it was a new hit with Cool Shit House, which recently had a major success at the Hultsfred festival. When the car finally passed, she happened to turn around, and saw right now that Johnny had, it seemed aggressive altercation with the woman in the stall door.
Yasmine woke up and walked boldly forward;
- Why should you yell on her?!
The woman inside the booth seemed anxious and Yasmine said immediately;
- You stop that maccaroniboy! Or I take off my my shower cap! Fake startled, dropped her chin, as they say, but continued to keep a stranglehold on the Ronja the kiosk door.
- I just want her money!, "Said Johnny in the direction of Yasmine.
- Then it will be like this!, Said Yasmine and tore off his shower cap and slapped it in the street. Johnny Fake released slowly, shocked, surprised by all means, the grip on the woman in the kiosk, tumbled himself half up over the papers that lay on the outer disk in front of the door, slid nerårt, pulled a few magazines with them in the case. He was simply screaming;
- NOOOOOO! - NOOOOOO! OH NO! OH NO!Why?! How could you do this to me! Yasmine! EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeK!! Yasmine! EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeK!
Yasmine put a shoe on his fallen shower cap and stepped into, screwed the plastic heel of his Hamsterdamsko against smågrusiga sidewalk. Johnny was on his knees in his Dressman Truser and writhing in stomach pain; --
- AAAAArrrGNEEEEEEEEJ. - AAAAArrrGNOOOOOOOO!YOU have massacered Our Future! You are fallen to hell woman!!Byäh! Byäh! And I'm a fallen man who has been misled by the biggest villagewhore! You have blasphemed!You have blasphemed!
An ambulance arrived later and took him, Johnny Fake, the man who knew how a grindstone would be deducted. Yasmine Baldrich, who revolted outside the kiosk, the whole world as it seemed, went home. Her father Alphonse was still sitting at the dining table, this time looking in the newspaper. He noticed that Yasmine sat down at the other end of the table, but a shower cap.
He raised his eyes from the newspaper, he would threaten her with an honorary shower, discreetly within a month conducted by his brother, Svante and his twin sons and Örjan beginning. But before he raised his eyes, he read aloud from the newspaper, clearly tired, so late in the day;
- That Robert Gustafsson, what may be popular, all his well-paid joke goes what will soon put on to dig into their own or other people's underpants. He should fucking work at health care.
- It's because he's well-being fascist, Dad, "said Yasmine straight back at the other end of the table.
-Well being fascist?Percy Nileguaard was well a good example.Have you heard the audience? Good laughs and spontaneous with how bullying humor whatsoever!
- So true, Dad.We've earned it.
Now Alphonse looked up over the edge of the newspaper page;
- What...., Yass. What have you done?
-The right thing. I threw his cap outside the kiosk at Battingstigen.
Alphonse Baldrich dropped the newspaper on the table. With a free hand he took a vingum out of the bowl with afternoon snacks. His bushy eyebrows accenture like equality with Chazz Palminteri. His mouth looked like the grill of an old Aston Martin.
- You, Yazz. Yes, you did the right thing. You did what everyman would have done,he said after the brief hearing the whole story, narrated by his delicate daughter.
But he continued his sermon, however;
- Large locust swarms will be visiting your bed. The walls you built up in your world will crumble, your loved ones are doomed to destruction. In hell, you will cry for help, but will only prayers heard by the false prophets.
- You mean just as it is in this world?
- Yes. preciscly, hahaha. exactly, hahaha. But it is fortunate that we have humor. Can´t you see, shower cap is just a joke. You have seen through it.
Those who do not see through, are the ones who suffer most. You opened your conscience on Battingstigen, for daylight healing power. Fake Johnny is still suffering, he has not seen through.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I´m gonna contact my secret agent in China
Från: dejay the pancakes
Datum: 22/7/2009 7:32:40 PM
(sorry i wrote this email in a hurry, there is no english version this time,it's about a short performance in shenzhen city in china this sunday, incase you cannot understand but want to come, you can ask your friends inshenzhen to translate for you, thanks!)(今次趕時間, 所以沒有繁體版, 自己查字典啦)终于有深圳演出的资料了,星期天可能是比较急,希望大家谅解!《麦兜响当当》电影宣传活动“麦兜响当当——暑期夏令营”日期:7月26日星期日(这个星期天!)时间:共有两场- 4:00pm 深圳宝安港隆城广场正广场- 7:30pm 深圳中信城市广场前广场(详细地址我不太清楚)- 不用门票,不用登记,免费入场- 我的演出很短,如果迟到就不要勉强前来- 两个演出一样,大家有空有兴趣的话欢迎前来,太远或要做功课就不要勉强来了,我相信将来还有机会来深圳演出的 :)- 这次我在广州没有公开演出,希望下次吧 :)谢谢支持!dejaythe pancakes网页:www.thepancakes.com邮购网志:如果大家不希望再收到我的通讯,请电邮告诉我 :)
(you have the key PingPad?)
Datum: 22/7/2009 7:32:40 PM
(sorry i wrote this email in a hurry, there is no english version this time,it's about a short performance in shenzhen city in china this sunday, incase you cannot understand but want to come, you can ask your friends inshenzhen to translate for you, thanks!)(今次趕時間, 所以沒有繁體版, 自己查字典啦)终于有深圳演出的资料了,星期天可能是比较急,希望大家谅解!《麦兜响当当》电影宣传活动“麦兜响当当——暑期夏令营”日期:7月26日星期日(这个星期天!)时间:共有两场- 4:00pm 深圳宝安港隆城广场正广场- 7:30pm 深圳中信城市广场前广场(详细地址我不太清楚)- 不用门票,不用登记,免费入场- 我的演出很短,如果迟到就不要勉强前来- 两个演出一样,大家有空有兴趣的话欢迎前来,太远或要做功课就不要勉强来了,我相信将来还有机会来深圳演出的 :)- 这次我在广州没有公开演出,希望下次吧 :)谢谢支持!dejaythe pancakes网页:www.thepancakes.com邮购网志:如果大家不希望再收到我的通讯,请电邮告诉我 :)
(you have the key PingPad?)
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Yngwie Malmsteen i Sverige (1998)
"Dregen är en falskspelare"
"Gitarrkungen Yngwie Malmsteen sågar nio svenska gitarrister. Och sig själv."
Så är rubriken i Aftonbladets ungdomsbilaga Puls 27 februari 1998. Artikeln är signerad Jörgen Holmstedt.
Ur texten:"Yngwie Malmsteen har världen som arbetsfält, har fått nytt storbolagskontrakt med färska skivan Facing the animal, bor i Florida, känner få i Sverige och skiter i vad andra tycker. Vilket blir extra tydligt när Puls spelar upp tio svenska gitarrister för honom att bedöma - utan att i förväg tala tala om vem det är."
Janne Schaffer sträcker ut sig i instrumentala "Blackan Boogie Blues" från cd:n "Tunga Låtar" (1996).
- Hysteriskt dåligt vibrato. Låter som om han har svaga fingrar. Det här suger hästkuk. Stäng av ber Yngwie.
Peps Persson bluessolar på låten "Säg mej, kvinna" från albumet "Rotblos" (1997).
Efter ett tag suckar Yngwie tungt:
- Vissa är så begåvade att de kan säga något med bara de två toner de kan spela. Men den här snubben har inget som är speciellt. Han borde försöka lära av BB King, kungen av den här bluesgrejen.
Dregen fräser på i första solot på "Collapso nervoso" från Hellacopters-albumet "Paying the dues" (1997).
Yngwie sätter händerna krampaktigt för ansiktet och stönar;
- Å gud, å gud! Det här är den vidrigaste falskspelare jag hört! Fy Fan. Ta bort!.
Per Gessle tar klivet till leadgitarrist i "Stupid" på soloplattan "The world according to Gessle (1997).
Nu ser herr Malmsteen helt nollställd ut, men säger till slut uppgivet;
- Jaha. Så jävla banalt. Hur kan man to att man är gitarrist bara för att man äger en gitarr? Ren skit. I övrigt saknar jag ord.
Ulf Lundell spelar akustiskt på låten "Vind" från skivan "12 sånger" (1984).
- Kan han inte stämma guran åtminstone? En pajas. Det här är ju för fan det värsta jag hört!
Henrik Schyffert i sparsmakat solo i slutet på "Pay for me" från Whale ep:n med samma titel (1995).
- En stackars tondöv människa. Skönt att gitarren är så lågt mixad i alla fall.
Alex Hellid, Ulf Cederlund och möjligen även Nicke Andersson vräker på i dödsmetallspåret "Forsaken" från Entombed-samlingen "Entombed (1996).
Yngwie skakar oförstående på huvudet. - Fy fan....Jag beskrivs ibland som någon som bara spelar fort och utan känsla. Vad är i så fall detta? Dravel utan substans.
Sami Sirviö solar "Om du var här", från Kent cd:n "Isola" (1997).
- Så meningslöst. Så totalt meningslöst. Han säger ju för fan ingenting med detta.
Mats Persson blir extra rockig i "Det är över nu" på Gyllene Tider-liven "Återtåget" (1997).
Yngwie ler matt och överseende.: - Det finns folk som frågar sig vad det är för mening med gitarrsolon. Och det undrar jag också när jag hör sådan här ren och skär dynga.
Yngwie Malmsteen, 16 år, i egna demoloåten "Merlin´s castle" (1978). En överraskad gitarrhjälte rycker till i hotellsoffan.:
- Åh fy faaan! Han ruskar på huvudet och och skrattar roat.
- Så jävla mycket Blackmore! det här är ju urdåligt, hahaha! Vilket ruttet lir. Längesedan jag hörde detta. Hör, solot bara fortsätter och fortsätter i evighet..
- Men va fan, jag var bara en snorvalp på 15-16 då, hur erfarna är alla de här svenska människorna jag lyssnat på?
När Yngwie får veta vilka sologitarristerna han just sågat är, konstaterar han lugnt:
- Jaha, Schaffer var minst dålig. Men det mesta var så omusikaliskt att det var svårt att kommentera. Men Yngwie menar att att varken Lundell, Gessle, Peps eller någon av de övriga behöver misströsta, än finns det hopp. Alla kan vara med i Yngwie Malmsteens gitarrskola som startar i dagens Puls och fortsätter i sju delar till.
Som visar sig sedan i fortsättningen visar vara ett litet foto på en hand som trycker ett vanligt ackord.
Den mest komprimerade "gitarrskola" som jag sett på svenska!
Lycka till grappar!
"Gitarrkungen Yngwie Malmsteen sågar nio svenska gitarrister. Och sig själv."
Så är rubriken i Aftonbladets ungdomsbilaga Puls 27 februari 1998. Artikeln är signerad Jörgen Holmstedt.
Ur texten:"Yngwie Malmsteen har världen som arbetsfält, har fått nytt storbolagskontrakt med färska skivan Facing the animal, bor i Florida, känner få i Sverige och skiter i vad andra tycker. Vilket blir extra tydligt när Puls spelar upp tio svenska gitarrister för honom att bedöma - utan att i förväg tala tala om vem det är."
Janne Schaffer sträcker ut sig i instrumentala "Blackan Boogie Blues" från cd:n "Tunga Låtar" (1996).
- Hysteriskt dåligt vibrato. Låter som om han har svaga fingrar. Det här suger hästkuk. Stäng av ber Yngwie.
Peps Persson bluessolar på låten "Säg mej, kvinna" från albumet "Rotblos" (1997).
Efter ett tag suckar Yngwie tungt:
- Vissa är så begåvade att de kan säga något med bara de två toner de kan spela. Men den här snubben har inget som är speciellt. Han borde försöka lära av BB King, kungen av den här bluesgrejen.
Dregen fräser på i första solot på "Collapso nervoso" från Hellacopters-albumet "Paying the dues" (1997).
Yngwie sätter händerna krampaktigt för ansiktet och stönar;
- Å gud, å gud! Det här är den vidrigaste falskspelare jag hört! Fy Fan. Ta bort!.
Per Gessle tar klivet till leadgitarrist i "Stupid" på soloplattan "The world according to Gessle (1997).
Nu ser herr Malmsteen helt nollställd ut, men säger till slut uppgivet;
- Jaha. Så jävla banalt. Hur kan man to att man är gitarrist bara för att man äger en gitarr? Ren skit. I övrigt saknar jag ord.
Ulf Lundell spelar akustiskt på låten "Vind" från skivan "12 sånger" (1984).
- Kan han inte stämma guran åtminstone? En pajas. Det här är ju för fan det värsta jag hört!
Henrik Schyffert i sparsmakat solo i slutet på "Pay for me" från Whale ep:n med samma titel (1995).
- En stackars tondöv människa. Skönt att gitarren är så lågt mixad i alla fall.
Alex Hellid, Ulf Cederlund och möjligen även Nicke Andersson vräker på i dödsmetallspåret "Forsaken" från Entombed-samlingen "Entombed (1996).
Yngwie skakar oförstående på huvudet. - Fy fan....Jag beskrivs ibland som någon som bara spelar fort och utan känsla. Vad är i så fall detta? Dravel utan substans.
Sami Sirviö solar "Om du var här", från Kent cd:n "Isola" (1997).
- Så meningslöst. Så totalt meningslöst. Han säger ju för fan ingenting med detta.
Mats Persson blir extra rockig i "Det är över nu" på Gyllene Tider-liven "Återtåget" (1997).
Yngwie ler matt och överseende.: - Det finns folk som frågar sig vad det är för mening med gitarrsolon. Och det undrar jag också när jag hör sådan här ren och skär dynga.
Yngwie Malmsteen, 16 år, i egna demoloåten "Merlin´s castle" (1978). En överraskad gitarrhjälte rycker till i hotellsoffan.:
- Åh fy faaan! Han ruskar på huvudet och och skrattar roat.
- Så jävla mycket Blackmore! det här är ju urdåligt, hahaha! Vilket ruttet lir. Längesedan jag hörde detta. Hör, solot bara fortsätter och fortsätter i evighet..
- Men va fan, jag var bara en snorvalp på 15-16 då, hur erfarna är alla de här svenska människorna jag lyssnat på?
När Yngwie får veta vilka sologitarristerna han just sågat är, konstaterar han lugnt:
- Jaha, Schaffer var minst dålig. Men det mesta var så omusikaliskt att det var svårt att kommentera. Men Yngwie menar att att varken Lundell, Gessle, Peps eller någon av de övriga behöver misströsta, än finns det hopp. Alla kan vara med i Yngwie Malmsteens gitarrskola som startar i dagens Puls och fortsätter i sju delar till.
Som visar sig sedan i fortsättningen visar vara ett litet foto på en hand som trycker ett vanligt ackord.
Den mest komprimerade "gitarrskola" som jag sett på svenska!
Lycka till grappar!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Latest news from THE PANCAKES
大家好,能夠克服懶惰發出這個第二期通訊,我真的很感動。無論你是否自願加入這個mailing list,歡迎你!(非自願 = 我把你的電郵加到這個mailing list, 是因為你從前曾經寫過電郵給我,但畢竟已經過了那麼多年,所以如果你不想再收到我的消息,請告訴我,我會立即把你的地址拿走,還有那些double收到的, 也請告訴我,我會立即處理,如果煩到大家,請見諒!)這個mailing list在不斷擴大中,我從舊電郵中找到大家的地址(也有新的聽眾看到blog後報名加入),我用了很多時間逐一打開舊電郵和copy and paste那些地址(差不多二千個!),每次一開始做就停不了,由於沒有實行一些對眼睛有益的措施例如每隔幾分鐘看看綠色植物,所以近視也加深了(不要以為只會在發育期間近視才會加深),而且我有時候不小心左右隱形眼鏡掉亂了戴(左右度數差不多,怎戴都好像怪怪地),所以看東西常常都很朦...還有謝謝回應我上一個通訊的聽眾們,由於有太多鼓勵的電郵(差不多有100個!) 所以除了回覆了有問問題的電郵,其他都沒有回覆,在此一次過說聲謝謝,我收到你們的電郵很開心呢。六月份我有以下演出:1. the pancakes in kobe, japan@Miniskirt Pop Party Vol. 3date: 27.6.2009, saturdaytime: open: 6:30pm / start: 7:00pmtickets: adv: 1700yen (+ drink) / door: 1900yen (+ drink)venue: Helluva LoungeLamoule Tor Bldg. B13-1-18, Shimoyamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japanother bands: Eel (from Osaka), Delfloria (from Osaka) , Miniskirt (fromGermany, Japan), Secret band from Spaghetti Vabune! (from Kobe)(thanks to Edgar from Miniskirt!)2. the pancakes x 古箏@仲樂同樂 — 箏音樂系列古箏音樂會(i will play 4 songswith them)date: 30.6.2009, tuesdaytime: 8:00pmvenue: 中環香港大會堂劇院tickets: $180 ; $160details:謝謝支持!p.s. 我近來很喜歡看星期日晚無線台做的“狐狸小姐你想點” XDdejaythe pancakes網頁:www.thepancakes.com郵購網誌: 如果大家不希望再收到我的通訊,請電郵告訴我,我是不會收取消費的 :Dhallo! i feel so great that i could overcome the laziness and sent out thissecond newsletter. whether you chose to join this mailing list or not, welcome!(did not choose = i have added your email addresses to this mailing listbecause you have sent me emails in the past. after all, it's been such along time since you sent me the emails, in case you don't want to receive mynews anymore, please let me know, and i will delete your email address atonce. and for those who received this newsletter twice, please also let meknow and i will amend at once. if i've bothered you this time, pleaseunderstand and forgive me!this mailing list is getting bigger. i found your email addresses in my oldemails(and there are listeners who subscribed after reading my blog). ispent a lot of time opening the old emails and copied & pasted thoseaddresses(almost two thousand of them!), every time i started working onit i could not stop. as i didn't take any measures to protect my eyes, e.g.looking at green plants every several minutes, my short-sightedness hasworsened (don't think that short-sightedness only worsens at adolescenceperiod), and sometimes i mix the left and right contact lens by mistake(the left and right dioptres / degrees are so similar that now no matter howi wear the lens i still feel strange), so i often have blurred sight thesedays...and i would like to thank those who replied to my last newsletter. as i gottoo many encouraging emails (almost 100!), i replied only to those whoraised questions. for those who did not (and also those who did) receive myreply, i would like to say thank you! i feel happy to receive your june i have the following performances:1. the pancakes in kobe, japan@Miniskirt Pop Party Vol. 3date: 27.6.2009, saturdaytime: open: 6:30pm / start: 7:00pmtickets: adv: 1700yen (+ drink) / door: 1900yen (+ drink)venue: Helluva LoungeLamoule Tor Bldg. B13-1-18, Shimoyamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobeother bands: Eel (from Osaka), Delfloria (from Osaka) , Miniskirt (fromGermany, Japan), Secret band from Spaghetti Vabune! (from Kobe)(thanks to Edgar from Miniskirt!)2. the pancakes x the chinese instrument "Zheng"@Zheng Recital II by HongKong Professional Zheng Ensemble (i will play 4 songs with them)date: 30.6.2009, tuesdaytime: 8:00pmvenue: Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall, Central, HONG KONGtickets: $180 ; $160details: you for your support!p.s. recently i enjoy very much watching “Ms Fox, what do you want” on TVBjade sunday nights XDdejaythe pancakeswebsite:www.thepancakes.commail (in chinese only)mp3: if you don't want to receive news from me anymore, please email me. i won'tcharge you any cancellation fee :D
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wonder Kids...
....This is the American Dream?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Is it possible to build your own guitar?

Wonderful model in dark chocolate.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Records you´ve missed
Friday, March 13, 2009
Personal Question...

Are ready for BEYOND?
Friday, March 06, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Small Wonder

"Jocelyn Nelson soloed on Renaissanceguitar with Bouffons and Conte clare, from Guillaume Morlaye’s Premier Livre."
No radio, no TV, no electric cars, no airplanes, no computers.......
The grass was maybe more green. Go away Beavis&Butthead, go away from my window.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

...Is one of the tunes on the double disc, ROOTS OF ROCK AND ROLL(the picture has not directly to do with the discs...), performed by Peggy Lee with band. Like the other recordings here, they are from the late forties, still also the days of radio. Absolutely not video. Happy days o no... MTV.
Mix of styles; always a bit swingy, morely than the most pure vintage blues moaning Some tunes got even larger reputation later fx through Elvis Presley (That´s allright mama - Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, Good Rockin Tonight - Wynonie Harris) ), Gene Vincent (Rocky Road Blues - Bill Monroe), the Rolling Stones (Route 66 - Nat King Cole, Down the road apiece - Amos Milburn), Fats Domino (Blueberry Hill - Gene Autrey).
And of course, Guitar Boogie (1945) by Arthur Smith is probably one of the most imitated popular music plectrum guitar solos ever. I mean the 12 first bars ...
Oh yeah, gosh, twin beepers, holy cow... I forget, that was before the later, poor, Smoke on the Water - riff.
Otherwise, Arthur surely was inspired by all the pianoboogie, well known earlier. Boogie-titles were common these days.
disc one
Caldonia - LOUIS JORDAN 1945
Hillybilly Boogie - DELOMORE BROTHERS 1946
Chicken Sack Boogie - AMOS MILBURN 1947
I want my Fanny Brown - WYNONIE HARRIS 1948
Red Hot blues - T.J.FOWLER 1948
Dog House Boogie - HAWKSHAW HAWKINS 1948
Roy Brown Boogie - ROY BROWN 1947
Rocky Road Blues - BILL MONROE 1946
Milton´s Boogie - 1945
Guitar Boogie - ARTHUR SMITH 1945
Down in the Groovy - LONNIE LYONS 1948
Drinkin wine Spoo-Dee-O-Dee - STICKS MCGHEE 1947
Barnyard Boogie - LOUIS JORDAN 1947
My buckets got a hole in it - TEXAS TYLER 1947
Beef Stew - HAL SINGER 1948
49 Women - PEE WEE KING 1947
The Honeydripper - JOE LIGGINS 1945
Blueberry Hill - GENE AUTREY 1940
Move it on over - HANK WILLIAMS 1947
E Ramble - BIG JIM DE NOONE 1947
Route 66 - NAT KING COLE 1946
The Washboard special - JIMYY LIGGINS 1947
disc two
Good Rockin Tonight - WYNONIE HARRIS 1947
Oakie Boogie - JOHNNIE TYLER 1947
Choo Choo Ch´Boogie - LOUIS JORDAN 1946
Smoke!Smoke!Smoke! - TEX WILLIAMS 1947
The Twister - PAUL WILLIAMS 1948
That´s All Right - ARTHUR CRUDUP 1946
Hole in the wall tonight - ALBINIA JONES 1948
Down the road apiece - AMOS MILBURN 1946
Everything´s movin to fast - PEGGY LEE 1946
Bartender Boogie - JACK MCVEA 1945
Your hands ain´t clean - PAUL GAYTEN 1947
Boogie Woogie Baby - DELMORE BROTHERS 1946
Here´s a little girl - BLUE LU BARKER 1948
T-Bone Boogie - T-BONE WALKER 1945
Shoot the Moon - MOON MULLIGAN 1946
Boogie Woogie on a Saturday Night - FIVE RED CAPS 1942
Be-Baba-Ueba - HELEN HUMES 1946
Cincinnatti Lou - MERLE TRAVIS 1943
Hamp´s Boogie Woogie - LIONEL HAMPTON 1943
Mama don´t allow - JULIA LEE 1947
Oklahoma Stomp - SPADE COOLEY 1946
Ten Gallon Boogie - PEE WEE KING 1947
Big Fat Mama - ROY MILTON 1947
Some of that mentioned swing was represented on the early (sixties) albums by the Rolling Stones, the takes with guitarist Brian Jones are among them I like the most.
Now we live 2009. It´s fantastic.
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