I liked this book immediately, straight on, modern. You don´t have to study for years to get started...., just do it.
With two CD:s and "it´s for real"- sounding exercises in different styles, soon touchable, with two hands and one head. I don´t complain at all when I find comments like this; "exessive use of this technique in your local music store will probably get you thrown out."
Matt Scharfglass is New-York based songwriter, bassist, guitarist and multi-instrumentalist. I can imagine that attitudes and tempo of living is high, demanding. How to deal with teenagers who want action directly? In New York?
Basslines are, as mentioned earlier, important in any music. With no Bass, no Punk or Funk. No Bach either. No Jazz, no Blues, no Woman, no Cry.
The bassplayer can be King or Queen of any group.
When you are used to good bassplayers, you always want to have it.
All upper voices "lean" on and/or are depending of the bassline When the the bass-instrument is missing, the lowest musical line performed automatically get´s the role of the bass. Any modern guitarplayer find info in bassbooks, guitarist and bassist often co-operate in rockgroups, making smashing grooves and riffs together.
More actual information may be found; http://www.musicsales.com
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