…..I mean the weather.
For many days it´s been hot. It can be “normal”, temporary….or not. Over +30 celsius in these parts, where we have no wild cactus or rattle snakes. Maybe we have some day, soon…, and it would generate new businessmarkets, happy jokes and guaranteed long-summer-partytime f x in this little town.
But, hows it gonna be f x in Africa, somewhere in the borderlines of the equator? Already there are growing problems with dryness, … and who really cares. I´m sure, not too many,… ;and at least not for the moment among the people in electric paradise just one hundered meters from where I´m sitting now. There´s music&festivalarrangements in the park, thundering sounds and screams.
It´s not directly for the Rain Gods, … but maybe a little bit for drinking, I don´t mean just alcohol, I mean anything waterlike, ….. gold in the desert. In the right time, at the right place, ...one glass of water is probably the best demand in the world, it´s higher than the bumping headphones on your head when you are jumping around in the front of your heartshaped mirror.
As a bloomer of fact; Sahara desert is north of the equator.
(Picture; From front cover of "John Fahey visits W
ashington, D.C. - Takoma Records 1979)
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