- it´s about money, the most.
Once upon time, in the sixties-seventies, there was job for everyone, in this country. I wonder, did they really know THE BLUES. The R e a l blues. The BIG blues. Of course, ...dimensions of trouble appeared, it always does... for living beings…, but I´m talking about the general feeling, the often money related shady picture.
Did any western whiteboy understand what the original bluessingers where howlin about?
Money is food related. Crime is often about money. Slavery is often about money. Material freedom is about money. Everything is about money? Your body, where you stand, is related to money?
Today´s choosen poem is by J.Stone. The old Elvis version will do, with echo in plates.
You know, the landlord rang my front door bell. I let it ring for a long, long spell. I went to the window, I peeped through the blind, And asked him to tell me what’s on his mind. He said, Money, honey. Money, honey.Money, honey, if you want to get along with me.
Well, I screamed and I hollered, I was so hard-pressed. I called the woman that I loved the best.I finally got my baby about half past three, She said I’d like to know what you want with me.I said, Money, honey.Money, honey.Money, honey, If you want to get along with me.
Well, I said tell me baby, what’s wrong with you? From this day on our romance is throughI said, tell me baby, face to face How could another man take my place? She said,Money, honey. Money, honey.Money, honey, If you want to get a long with me.
Well, I’ve learned my lesson and now I know The sun may shine and the winds may blow.The women may come and the women may go But before I say I love you so, I want Money, honey.Money, honey.Money, honey, If you want to get along with me.
Some romancing there? Bluesy lyrics has always been nearby some of the social facts of life. I remember another…; "Money (that´s what I want)"…., both the Beatles and Rolling Stones recorded it …when I was young(er) and heard Mick Jagger yell with his big mouth from the live recording,..Mooooney..... I thought; ….
How Dramatic! How Dramatic!,…..
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