(Previously published on DMG: Sunday, November 20, 2005)
Little Red Riding Hood
"One upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a village. She was only six years of age and such a nice little girl. Her grandmother was very fond of her and made her a little red cloak with a hood. So everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day when her mother was baking, she said," I hear your poor grandmother is ill in bed. Go across the forest and see how she is, and take her this cake and a pot of butter."
Little Red Riding Hood was pleased to go. So she took the basket with the cake and butter on her arm, and went off. While she was in the forest, a little salesman with a guitarcase came along the road.
"Good morning, Red Riding Hood", said the little salesman, "where are you going?"
Now Red Riding Hood did not know that it is dangerous to stop and speak to small guitar players, specially if they also were salesmen. So she said: "I´m going to see grandmother and I am taking her a cake and a pot of butter".
"Where does your grandmother live?" said the tiny guitarplayersalesman.
"On a cottage at the end of the forest", said Red Riding Hood. "Well, good morning!", said the little man. Red Riding Hood stopped to pick some flowers for her grandmother, and the little salesman with the guitarcase went away. As soon as he was out of her sight, he ran away to the old womans cottage, and knocked at the door. As a matter of fact, it was a little cottage, like a dolls house.
"Who´s there?", said the old woman in a weak voice.
"Little Red Riding Hood," said the little salesman, imitating a little girl´s voice.
"Mother sends you a little cake and a pot of butter."
"Lift up the latch and walk in Robert Bedford, I know you," said the grandmother; "I´m still in bed and can´t come to the door."
So the salesman lifted the latch and ran in with a cheap guitar he maybe would sell to the poor old grandmother in a suitable moment later in the evening. He hanged up his guitar around the neck and began to sing;
"Love me Tender, Love me Sweet".....before he got on his own nightcap, got into the warm bed , and pulled up the bedclothes. They were waiting. It was almost dark when Red Riding Hood came and knocked at the door of the litte cottage.
"Who´s there?", said Robert, imitating the grandmothers voice just for fun.
"Little Red Riding Hood. Mother sends you a cake and a pot of butter".
"Lift up the latch and join in!", said Robert, but Red Riding Hood couldn´t enter, the door was to small. Robert Bedford, the tiny little guitar salesman, had escaped from the guitar toy museum. He was famous and couldn´t understand why the woman outside wouldn´t gaze him. http://www.metalriffs.com/museum/
"How hoarse you are Red Riding Hood!", said Grandmother.
"That´s maybe because I´ve got a cold in the forest Granny" said Red Riding Hood.
"It´s getting late, so you must undress and come to bed."shouted Robert Bedford more reminding.
"I can´t ", said Red Riding Hood. When she looked in through a little window she saw two people under the sheet, with nightcaps."What a friend you´ve got Granny!", she said.
"All the better to play with, my dear!", said Grandmother. Red Riding Hood began to laugh.
Little Red Riding Hood
"One upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a village. She was only six years of age and such a nice little girl. Her grandmother was very fond of her and made her a little red cloak with a hood. So everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood.
One day when her mother was baking, she said," I hear your poor grandmother is ill in bed. Go across the forest and see how she is, and take her this cake and a pot of butter."
Little Red Riding Hood was pleased to go. So she took the basket with the cake and butter on her arm, and went off. While she was in the forest, a little salesman with a guitarcase came along the road.
"Good morning, Red Riding Hood", said the little salesman, "where are you going?"
Now Red Riding Hood did not know that it is dangerous to stop and speak to small guitar players, specially if they also were salesmen. So she said: "I´m going to see grandmother and I am taking her a cake and a pot of butter".
"Where does your grandmother live?" said the tiny guitarplayersalesman.
"On a cottage at the end of the forest", said Red Riding Hood. "Well, good morning!", said the little man. Red Riding Hood stopped to pick some flowers for her grandmother, and the little salesman with the guitarcase went away. As soon as he was out of her sight, he ran away to the old womans cottage, and knocked at the door. As a matter of fact, it was a little cottage, like a dolls house.
"Who´s there?", said the old woman in a weak voice.
"Little Red Riding Hood," said the little salesman, imitating a little girl´s voice.
"Mother sends you a little cake and a pot of butter."
"Lift up the latch and walk in Robert Bedford, I know you," said the grandmother; "I´m still in bed and can´t come to the door."
So the salesman lifted the latch and ran in with a cheap guitar he maybe would sell to the poor old grandmother in a suitable moment later in the evening. He hanged up his guitar around the neck and began to sing;
"Love me Tender, Love me Sweet".....before he got on his own nightcap, got into the warm bed , and pulled up the bedclothes. They were waiting. It was almost dark when Red Riding Hood came and knocked at the door of the litte cottage.
"Who´s there?", said Robert, imitating the grandmothers voice just for fun.
"Little Red Riding Hood. Mother sends you a cake and a pot of butter".
"Lift up the latch and join in!", said Robert, but Red Riding Hood couldn´t enter, the door was to small. Robert Bedford, the tiny little guitar salesman, had escaped from the guitar toy museum. He was famous and couldn´t understand why the woman outside wouldn´t gaze him. http://www.metalriffs.com/museum/
"How hoarse you are Red Riding Hood!", said Grandmother.
"That´s maybe because I´ve got a cold in the forest Granny" said Red Riding Hood.
"It´s getting late, so you must undress and come to bed."shouted Robert Bedford more reminding.
"I can´t ", said Red Riding Hood. When she looked in through a little window she saw two people under the sheet, with nightcaps."What a friend you´ve got Granny!", she said.
"All the better to play with, my dear!", said Grandmother. Red Riding Hood began to laugh.
"But, Red Hiding Hood, what great teeth you´ve got!", said Grandmother.
"All the better to eat cake with my dear!, said Red Riding Hood and pushed in some cake through the door, enough too feed them for at least two months.
"All the better to eat cake with my dear!, said Red Riding Hood and pushed in some cake through the door, enough too feed them for at least two months.