Friday, August 11, 2006


Before I go blogging to Brazil…( hard times to get floating luggage on airplanes in Europe, the way, anyway,... do it my way, ...this road is rocky but it want be rocky long, ... take me on a slow boat to China); it´s suitable to take up the question of style.

One common question, among young git-players; “what style should I prefer to get the opportunity to buy Pink Red Cadillac for Christmas”? The pro´s steady answer is, "try Bank Robbery." Use loose hair, masque and white gloves (from the bilberrypickin session).

But watch out, that can be the expensive method. As bars of fact show, it could be more expensive than the actual price at your favorite salesman in the backyard alley. The alternative way, choosing style, is to be natural. Show me one cat who need tattoos. Show me one cat who needs cowboy-hat, they already have nice hair-cut,... I mean hair-cat. They are already beautifully dressed up without shopping, ...have wonderful individual patterns, like finger prints (as Ginger, picture) and sleep when they want. ( And in no uncomfortable black rubber reptile dress!)

The key word is now PATTERN. Music is full of patterns, which leads in to styling. Each country or region have their patterns, in ethnic music it´s much about rhythm and accent in accompaniment. For example Brazil, motley as jungle.

picture from

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I was surprised when the great book told me;… Bilberry! (”bil” is also the swedish word for ”car”).
We know also Chuck Berry and Halle Berry. And Blackberry; had for a while an role the psychic action, in my mind, last night, in the movie “Good Girl” (with Jennifer Aniston, among others), damped “drama-comedy”.

Room for good acting, about undercover tensions. Like fish in the water, but locked in. It could have been elsewhere than Texas. Maybe not…., I´m not sure it was, maybe it happened nearby. But there is something with Texas.

I´m gonna pick some blue bilberrys this year. How do guitarplayers do it without destroying themselves? The secret is the freestroke and the use of the thumb and the indexfinger. You can do sweeping arpeggios in the bush using white gloves. When they turned blue (or bloody red!) everybody knows that you´ve been working (surprise!). If you walk around with those gloves in Texas, the local sherif surely, wants to check the trunk of your car. Escape! Over the borderline! To Mexico! But that´s another story - anyway, I´m on my way to South America in this blog, even If you don´t believe stop BRAZIL !!