I am a little bit bored, by the TROPHY COLLECTORS.
I think it really came in my sight 1999, noticed that young cool´s in black rubber collected riffs and tricks without learning the whole tune, BUT, that was not their “official” standpoint. To comrades; “Hii, this week I´ve done the (l i f e time)work of Metallica, you are a idiot because you don´t know anything”.
In many cases these quotators also didn´t enjoy the thought of improvisation, what´s on record was the one and only law,… “at least those two bars I want to learn” (and those two bars are ALL you are able two play before shouting for fresh air, ...and a new bottle of sodacokepopcoolheavystarshine, and feet popping around off-beat like pop-corn,... and mindly thinking of that as it was surely the way, ..."like the historical Bill Haley and the Comets, ..they did it, ...may just need a manager, ..no,... not a lawyer!,... this is already showbiz history,... because of my two bars of artistery...!")
It´s like the most conservative superficial view on classical music. It´s delicious, sweet life, all the time.
This happens in minds, ... in 99%, during the age, ... when young rubberspiderfrogman dressed guitarowners (with no visible hair on their body because of all the tattoos) still don´t wash their own underpants,...(up to the age of 45 in some cases). Maybe it´s economical thinking, “others do the job, others take the time. As a consumer of music I do as I like. I`ll take the candy.”
That´s like karaoke. Taste of the real woooould…
Whatever, learn the pieces. A couple of quotations won´t make it.